- 仕事内容
New contract acquisition activities (building sales strategies, building and strengthening relationships with customers, promotions, quotations, breakdowns, etc.)
Existing project activities (meetings with customers, building and strengthening relationships with customers, managing issues, protecting margins, collecting AR, etc.)
Price negotiation with customers
Collection of customer information, market information, and competitor information
Frequent communication with overseas plants, lead on Japanese customer worldwide actions, global coordination when needed. Some overseas trips to expect (max quarterly)
- 応募資格
- 必須
At least 5 years sales experience in the automotive industry or similar industry
English Business Level
Japanese Native Level or strong Business Level (JLPT N2+)
Microsoft Office Business level
- 歓迎
Experience in handling industrial rubber products
Sales experience with main Japanese automotive OEMs
- 雇用形態
- 正社員
- 勤務地
- 東京都*※50%テレワーク可能
- 勤務時間
- 年収・給与
- 想定年収:700万円~1000万円程度(応相談)※ご経験・スキルに応じて検討します。
- 待遇・福利厚生
- [勤務地] 東京都 ※50%テレワーク可能 [勤務時間] 9:00?18:00 ※フレックスタイム制度(標準労働時間8時間) [待遇・福利厚生] 各種社会保険完備(雇用・労災・健康・厚生年金)、通勤手当
- 休日休暇
- 土曜日・日曜日、祝日、年末年始休暇、年次有給休暇